mardi 17 mars 2015


Category:- AppsMore Info:- Google playDescription:- Mindroid is an AVS (Auditory Visual Stimulation device – aka Mind Machine or Psychowalkman) app for Android.NEW

– Online program library

– External glasses (USB connector)

– Material design revamp

– Google Cardboard supportIt provides each of your brain hemispheres with a signal (either audible or visual) with a slightly different frequency in order to stimulate your brain waves. For more info on this phenomenon please refer to this”>Wikipeadia article.The aim of this app is to induce either relaxation, meditation, creativity or sleep state of your mind depending on the selected program.Audible stimulation is full-featured and comparable with single purpose AVS devices. Headphones needs to be used in order for the audible stimulation to be effectiveVisual stimulation is experimental. In order to perform visual stimulation close your eyes and match the red spots on your display with your eyes.NOTE: Mindroid is fully compatible and encouraged to be used with Google Cardboard or any similar or any similar home brew solution.CAUTION Mindroid shall not be used by users suffering any epileptic or cardiac symptoms.MIndroid is a great life hacking app which may helps you to relax, get more productive or with your insomnia, stress or sleep..What’s New

2.6 + 2.5

– bug fixes in 2.5: keep last selected program…

– online web library for more programs (menu>download program)

– 7 additional programs in the library and more to come

– if you have a nice and effective program please share it (program>menu>share)

– new build in program: Visual fantasies

– new FREE program: Meditation

– support for add-on environments: Spaceship and Slow breath..

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